CSci 405-01: Computer Simulation
CSci 581-01: Special Topics on Computer Simulation
Fall Semester 2001

Assignment #2
Due Monday, 5 November (Revised Date)

Sandwich Shop Simulation

Prepare this assignment by the above deadline in accordance with the instructions given in the Professional Conduct and Assignments sections of the Syllabus.

In this assignment your task is to develop a simulation model and program for a sandwich shop. (The picture I have in my mind is a Subway sandwich shop similar to the ones in Oxford or perhaps the Blimpie's sandwich counter in the Union Food Court.)

The goal is, of course, to maximize the long-term profit. In general, that means you want to be able to maximize the number of sandwich orders the shop can handle while keeping the cost of operation at a minimum (in particular the number of workers as small as possible). Assume the shop is in a situation where getting repeat business is important to long-term profitability. Thus customer satisfaction will be important issue. One factor in customer satisfaction is the speed with which an order is fulfilled.

In the shop, a customer waits until it is his or her turn, then places the order, then waits for the order to be prepared, then pays and leaves.

Behind the counter, the process of fulfilling sandwich orders consists of the following "sequence" of steps for each sandwich:

  1. Accept the sandwich order.
  2. Assemble the chosen bread, meats, and cheeses.
  3. Heat the sandwich if required.
  4. Dress the sandwich with the requested vegetables and condiments.
  5. Package the sandwich order.
  6. Accept payment for the order.

You make the following observations about the process of fulfilling sandwich orders:

Given the goals stated above and perhaps other goals you want to investigate, define and collect appropriate performance measures.

Define and carry out a series of experiments to determine the optimum staffing given a particular workload. (I may give you information about workload later.)

Undergraduate students may assume that the supply of ingredients is unbounded, that no more than one sandwich may be in any one step of the process at time, that there is only one sandwich in each order, and that the interaction points with the customer are only at the beginning and the end.

When this assignment is complete, submit:

Be sure that all items submitted are clearly labeled with your name, class, and the assignment number.

Additional Work for Graduate Students

Graduate students must add at least one of the following features into the model:

The model should be appropriately instrumented and appropriate experiments should be carried out.

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Copyright © 2001, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Mon Oct 29 11:48:41 2001