CSci 405-01: Computer Simulation
CSci 581-01: Special Topics on Computer Simulation
Fall Semester 2001

Assignment #1
Due Wednesday, 10 October (Revised)

For All Students

Prepare this assignment by the above deadline in accordance with the instructions given in the Professional Conduct and Assignments sections of the Syllabus.

In this assignment you are asked to develop a simulation model and program using Java and the Psim-J simulation package. The Psim-J package is available from the course Web pages and will be installed on some of the Department's systems soon.

Develop a simulation model for the Bursar's office, assuming it has the following characteristics:

The values numWaiting, numTellers, arrivalMean, serviceMean, and servicePeriod are parameters of the model. In your program, it shuld be easy to vary the parameter values. (I'd probably supply them as command line parameters and run the program from a Unix script-- or maybe read the parameters from a file.)

You need to collect information for several performance measures of the system and display them at the end of each run.

Suppose the arrMean = 1 minute, serviceMean = 2 minutes, numWaiting = 5, and servicePeriod = 60 minutes. Run the model for numTellers = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (or to larger values if needed to answer the question below)

What is the minimum number of tellers needed to make sure all customers are serviced?

When this assignment is complete, submit:

Be sure that all items submitted are clearly labeled with your name, class, and the assignment number.

Additional Work for Graduate Students

Assume that:

Instrument your model to determine revenue generated (positive or negative) for the period of operation. Use the following values for the new parameters: tellerCost = 20, serviceFee = 100, serviceWindow = 6, serviceDiscount = 50, and cokeCost = 50.

To generate the most revenue, how many tellers would you suggest be hired?

UP to CSCI 405 assignments document?

Copyright © 2001, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Wed Oct 17 08:32:42 CDT 2001