CSci 311: Models of Computation
CSci 500: Fund. Concepts in Computing
Fall Semester 2000
Instructor's Bulletin Board

Assignment #5 Due Date

Assignment #5's due date has been changed to Thursday, 12 October, at NOON.

Examination #1 & Assignment #3 Dates

The first exam for CSCI 311/500 will be given on Friday, 15 September. It will cover the material I covered from the first two chapters of the textbook.

Assignment #3 will not be due until Monday, 18 September, as a result of the scheduling of the exam for Friday. Students should, however, complete the assignment in preparation for the first exam.

UP to CSCI 311 root document? to CSCI 500?

Copyright © 2000, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Wed Oct 11 13:41:18 2000