CSCI 300: Social Responsibility in Computer Science
Term Paper Review Form

Note to reviewer: Do not put your name on this form. Bring two copies of the form (with the critique attached) and the edited paper to class on Tuesday, 17 November. Please be honest in your evaluation. The content of the evaluation will affect the person's grade very little, but it will definitely affect yours. Be tactful and constructive.
Author of Paper: ______________________________________________________________________
Title of Paper: ______________________________________________________________________

Please rate each of the following items on a scale of 1 to 10. Let 1 represent Poor (or Strongly Disagree) and 10 represent Excellent (or Strongly Agree).


_____ The paper includes a title page, a signed honor code statement, an outline, the text, and a bibliography.
_____ The outline is complete, consistent with the paper's text, appropriately worded and formatted, and at an appropriate level of abstraction.
_____ The introductory section of the text motivates the rest of the paper and gives appropriate background information.
_____ The transitions between sections are smooth and continuous.
_____ The paper ends reasonably.


_____ The scope and level of detail are appropriate for a paper of this length
_____ Terms and acronyms are defined before they are used.
_____ Figures are used well (not overused); they are clear and explained in the text.
_____ The bibliographic entries are appropriately chosen; the bibliography is in the proper format.
_____ Citations are appropriate, correct, and consistent.
_____ Verbatim inclusions of text are indicated appropriately as quotations.
_____ The paper presents alternative points of view of the issues.


_____ The physical layout is pleasing.
_____ The pages are numbered correctly; figures and tables are appropriately labelled..
_____ The grammar is correct.
_____ The document contains no spelling errors.
_____ The paper is of required length (7-10 pages double-spaced, not including title page, outline, bibliography, etc).


_____ Overall impression of the paper.

Attach a two-page (typed) critique of the paper. In this critique, address what are, in your opinion, the strong points and the weak points of the paper. Indicate areas you believe can be improved. You should elaborate on answers to the above questions, especially where a low score has been given. Be constructive.

Copyright © 1998, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: 18 August 1998.