CSci 211: File Systems
Fall Semester 1996
Assignment #2

Due Date

Due Monday, 30 September, 1996, 2:30 p.m.

Note: Because it is my understanding that system sunset will be down for an upgrade over the 20-22 September weekend and because of the exam on 18 September, I have changed the due date for Assignment #2 to Monday, 30 September.

You should attempt this assignment as soon as possible to prepare for the first examination in the class.


Design, implement, and test a Java program as described below.

The program has two "arguments". These "arguments" may either be taken from the command line or the program may prompt the user for them (e.g., using Console).

  1. the URL of an HTML file,
  2. a filename.

The program must:

For example, if the following appears in the HTML input file,

        <a href="referenceURL">
then the following should appear in the output file

As a development procedure, you may first want to write and test a program to read the text from a file. Once that is working, you can modify it to read from the Web URL.

Submitting Your Assignment

Once you have completed the program:


If you want an extra challenge, consider the following extensions to the basic assignment.

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Copyright © 1996, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: 19 December 1996.