
H. Conrad Cunningham, D.Sc.
Professor Emeritus and Chair Emeritus
Department of Computer and Information Science
School of Engineering
University of Mississippi


I work in Oxford, Mississippi. It is a small, but fast growing, college town in the northern part of the State of Mississippi in the United States of America. Oxford is located approximately 75 miles south of Memphis, Tennessee, and 165 miles north of Jackson, Mississippi.

The University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) is located adjacent to the City of Oxford. The Department of Computer and Information Science resides in Weir Hall on the University campus. (This is in the same building as the Galtney Center for Academic Computing.) The Department office is 201 Weir.

My personal office is currently Weir 223.

Postal Address

H. Conrad Cunningham
Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Mississippi
201 Weir Hall
24 Galtney Lott Plaza, P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677 U.S.A.

Note: Although located at Oxford, Mississippi, the University has a separate post office.

Electronic Addresses

hcc AT cs DOT olemiss DOT edu OR hcc AT olemiss DOT edu — Email — Personal website
(662) 915-7396 – Department Office (201 Weir Hall)
(662) 915-5623 — Department Fax
No phone in personal office, so it is best to use email

Copyright © 2023, H. Conrad Cunningham
Updated 6 January 2023