Exploring Languages with Interpreters
and Functional Programming
Chapter 41

H. Conrad Cunningham

24 November 2018

Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, H. Conrad Cunningham
Professor of Computer and Information Science
University of Mississippi
211 Weir Hall
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677
(662) 915-5358

Browser Advisory: The HTML version of this textbook requires a browser that supports the display of MathML. A good choice as of November 2018 is a recent version of Firefox from Mozilla.

41 Calculator: Concrete Syntax

41.1 Chapter Introduction

TODO: Check introduction, what next, acknowledgements, references, and terms once ELI Calculator chapters are complete.

The previous chapter surveyed the overall language processing pipeline.

Chapters 41-46 explore language concepts processing techniques in the context of a simple case study. The case study uses a language of simple arithmetic expressions, a language we call the ELI (Exploring Languages with Interpreters) Calculator language.

We will extend the language with other features in later chapters.

41.2 Concrete Syntax

The ELI Calculator language can be represented as human-readable text strings in forms similar to traditional mathematical and programming notations. The structure of these textual expressions is called the concrete syntax of the expressions.

In this case study, we examine two possible concrete syntaxes: a familiar infix syntax and a (probably less familiar) parenthesized prefix syntax.

But, first, let’s consider how we can describe the syntax of a language.

41.3 Grammars

We usually describe the syntax of a language using a formal grammar [Linz 2017] [Wikipedia 2018a].

Formally, a formal grammar consists of a tuple (V,T,S,P)(V,T,S,P), where:

Production rules describe how the grammar transforms one sequence of symbols to another. The rules have the general form

xyx \rightarrow y

where xx and yy are sequences of symbols from VTV \cup T such that xx has length of at least one symbol.

A sentence in a language consists of any finite sequence of terminal symbols that can be generated from the start symbol of a grammar by a finite sequence of productions from the grammar.

We call a sequence of productions that generates a sentence a derivation for that sentence.

Any intermediate sequence of symbols in a derivation is called a sentential form.

The language generated by the grammar is the set of all sentences that can be generated by the grammar.

41.3.1 Context-free grammars and BNF

To express the syntax of programming languages, we normally restrict ourselves to the family of context-free grammars (and its subfamilies) [Linz 2017] [Wikipedia] 2018a. In a context-free grammar (CFG), the production rules have the form

AyA \rightarrow y

where AVA \in V and yy is a sequence of zero or more symbols from VTV \cup T. This means that an occurence of nonterminal AA can be replaced by the sequence xx.

We often express a grammar using a metalanguage such as the Backus-Naur Form (BNF) or extended Backus-Naur Form (BNF) [Wikipedia 2018a].

For example, consider the following BNF description of a grammar for the unsigned binary integers:

    <binary> ::= <digit> 
    <binary> ::= <digit> <binary>
    <digit>  ::= '0' 
    <digit>  ::= '1' 

The nonterminals are the symbols shown in angle brackets: <binary> and <digit>.

The terminals are the symbols shown in single quotes: '0' and '1'.

The production rules are shown with a nonterminal on the left side of the metasymbol ::= and its replacement sequence of nonterminal and terminal symbols on the right side.

Unless otherwise noted, the start symbol is the nonterminal on the left side of the first production rule.

For multiple rules with the same left side, we can use the | metasymbol to write the alternative right sides concisely. The four rules above can be written as follows:

    <binary> ::= <digit> | <digit> <binary>
    <digit>  ::= '0' | '1'

We can also use the extended BNF metasymbols:

41.3.2 Derivations

Consider a derivation of the sentence 101 using the grammar for unsigned binary numbers above.

This is not the only possible derivation for 101. Let’s consider a second derivation of 101.

The second derivation applies the same rules the same number of times, but it applies them in a different order. This case is called the leftmost derivation because it always replaces the leftmost nonterminal in the sentential form.

Both of the above derivations can be represented by the derivation tree (or parse tree) shown in Figure 41-1. (The numbers below the nodes show the rules applied.)

Figure 41-1: Derivation (parse) tree for binary number 101
Figure 41-1: Derivation (parse) tree for binary number 101

41.3.3 Regular grammars

The grammar above for binary numbers is a special case of a context-free grammar called a right-linear grammar [Linz 2017]. In a right-linear grammar, all productions are of the forms

AxBA \rightarrow xB
AxA \rightarrow x

where AA and BB are nonterminals and xx is a sequence of zero or more terminals. Similarly, a left-linear grammar must have all productions of the form:

ABxA \rightarrow Bx
AxA \rightarrow x

A grammar that is either right-linear or left-linear is called a regular grammar [Linz 2017] [Wikipedia 2018a].

(Note that all productions in a grammar must satisfy either the right- or left-linear definitions. They cannot be mixed.)

We can recognize sentences in a regular grammar with a simple “machine” (program)—a deterministic finite automaton (DFA).

In general, we must use a more complex “machine”—a pushdown automaton (PDA)—to recognize a context-free grammar.

We leave a more detailed study of regular and context-free grammars to courses on formal languages, automata, or compiler construction.

Now let’s consider the concrete syntaxes for the ELI Calculator language—first infix, then prefix.

41.4 Infix syntax

An infix syntax for expressions is a syntax in which most binary operators appear between their operands as we tend to write them in mathematics and in programming languages such as Java and Haskell. For example, the following are intended to be valid infix expressions:

    x + 3
    (x + y) * (2 + z)

For example, we can present the concrete syntax of our core Calculator language with the grammar below. Here we just consider expressions made up of decimal integer constants; variable names; binary operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; and parentheses to delimit nested expressions.

We express the upper levels of the infix expression’s syntax with the following context-free grammar where <expression> is the start symbol.

    <expression> ::= <term> { <addop> <term> }
    <term>       ::= <factor> { <mulop> <factor> }
    <factor>     ::= <var> | <val>
                   | '(' <expression> ')'
    <val>        ::= [ '-' ] <unsigned>
    <var>        ::= <id>
    <addop>      ::=  '+'  |  '-' 
    <mulop>      ::=  '*'  |  '/' 

Normally we want operators such as multiplication and division to bind more tightly than addition and subtraction. That is, we want expression x + y * z to have the same meaning as x + (y * z). To accomplish this in the context-free grammar, we position <addop> in a higher-level grammar rule than <mulop>.

We can express the lower (lexical) level of the expression’s grammar with the following production rules:

    <id>         ::=  <firstid>  |  <firstid> <idseq>
    <idseq>      ::=  <restid>   |  <restid> <idseq>
    <firstid>    ::=  <alpha>    | '_'
    <restid>     ::=  <alpha>    | '_'  | <digit>
    <unsigned>   ::=  <digit>    |  <digit> <unsigned> 
    <digit>      ::=  any numeric character
    <alpha>      ::=  any alphabetic character 

The variables <digit> and <alpha> are essentially terminals. Thus the above is a regular grammar. (We can also add the rules for recognition of <addop> and <mulop> and rules for recognition of the terminals (, ), and - to the regular grammar.)

We assume that identifiers and constants extend as far to the “right” as possible. That is, an <id> begins with an alphabetic or underscore character and extends until it is terminated by some character other than an alphabetic, numeric, or underscore character (e.g. by whitespace or special character). Similarly for <unsigned>.

Otherwise, the language grammar ignores whitespace characters (e.g. blanks, tabs, and newlines). The language also supports end of line comments, any characters on a line following a -- (double dash).

We can use a parsing program (i.e. a parser) to determine whether a concrete expression (e.g. 1 + 1) satisfies the grammar and to build a corresponding parse tree [Wikipedia 2018a].

Aside: In a previous section, we use the term derivation tree to refer to a tree that we construct from the root toward the leaves by applying production rules from the grammar. We usually call the same tree a parse tree if we construct it from the leaves (a sentence) toward the root.

Figure 41-2 shows the parse tree for infix expression 1 + 1. It has <expression> at its root. The children of a node in the parse tree depend upon the grammar rule application needed to generate the concrete expression. Thus the root <expression> has either one child—a <term> subtree—or three children—a <term> subtree, an <addop> subtree, and an <expression> subtree.

Figure 41-2: Parse tree for infix 1 + 1
Figure 41-2: Parse tree for infix 1 + 1

If the parsing program returns a boolean result instead of building a parse tree, we sometimes call it a recognizer program.

41.5 Prefix syntax

An alternative is to use a parenthesized prefix syntax for the expressions. This is a syntax in which expressions involving operators are of the form

    ( op operands )

where op denotes some “operator” and operands denotes a sequence of zero or more expressions that are the arguments of the given operator. This is a syntax similar to the language Lisp.

In this syntax, the examples from the section on the infix syntax can be expressed something like:

    (+ 1 1) 
    (+ x 3) 
    (* (+ x y) (+ 2 z)) 

We express the upper levels of a prefix expression’s syntax with the following context-free grammar, where <expression> is the start symbol.

    <expression> ::=  <var> | <val> | <operexpr>
    <var>        ::=  <id>
    <val>        ::=  [ "-" ] <unsigned> 
    <operexpr>   ::=  '(' <operator> <operandseq> ')'  
    <operandseq> ::=  { <expression> }
    <operator>   ::=  '+'  |  '*'  |  '-'  |  '/' | ...  

We can express the lower (lexical) level of the expression’s grammar with basically the same regular grammar as with the infix syntax. (We can also add the rule for recognition of <operator> and for recognition of the terminals (, ), and - to the regular grammar

The parse tree for prefix expression (+ 1 1) is shown in Figure 41-3.

Figure 41-3: Parse tree for prefix (+ 1 1)
Figure 41-3: Parse tree for prefix (+ 1 1)

Because the prefix syntax expresses all operations in a fully parenthesized form, there is no need to consider the binding powers of operators. This makes parsing easier.

The prefix also makes extending the language to other operators—and keywords—much easier. Thus we will primarily use the prefix syntax in this and other cases studies.

We return to the problem of parsing expressions in a later chapter.

41.6 What Next?

This chapter introduced the formal concepts related to a language’s concrete syntax. It also introduced the ELI (Exploring Languages with Interpreters) Calculator language, which is the simple language we use in the following five chapters.

The next chapter examines the concept of abstract syntax and evaluation, using the ELI Calculator language as an example.

41.7 Exercises


41.8 Acknowledgements

I initially developed the ELI Calculator language (then called the Expression Language) case study for the Haskell-based offering of CSci 556, Multiparadigm Programming, in Spring 2017. I based this work, in part, on ideas from:

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as Chapter 10, Expression Language Syntax and Semantics, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Summer 2018, I divided the previous Expression Language Syntax and Semantics chapter into three chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Section 10.2 became Chapter 41, Calculator Concrete Syntax (this chapter), sections 10.3-5 and 10.7-8 became Chapter 42, Calculator Abstract Syntax & Evaluation, and sections 10-6 and 10-9 and section 11.5 were expanded into Chapter 43, Calculator Modular Structure.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

41.9 References

[Cunningham 2018]:
H. Conrad Cunningham. Notes on Scala for Java Programmers, 2018 (which is itself adapted from the tutorial [Schinz 2018] Scala for Java Programmers
[Kamin 1990]:
Samuel N. Kamin. Programming Languages: An Interpreter-Based Approach, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
[Linz 2017]:
Peter Linz. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, Fifth Edition, Jones and Bartlett, 2017.
[Schinz 2018]:
Michel Schinz and Philipp Haller. A Scala Tutorial for Java Programmers, Scala Language Website, accessed February 2018.
[Sestoft 2012]:
Peter Sestoft. Programming Language Concepts, Springer, 2012.
[Wikipedia 2018a]:
Wikipedia. Articles on Formal Grammar, Regular Grammar, Context-Free Grammar, Backus-Naur Form, Extended Backus-Naur Form, and Parsing. Accessed 9 August 2018.
[Wikipedia 2018b]:
Wikipedia. Articles on Abstract Syntax, Associative Array, Accessed 9 August 2018.

41.10 Terms and Concepts

Syntax, concrete syntax, formal grammar (variable and terminal symbols, alphabet, start or goal symbol), production rule, sentence, sentential form, language, context-free grammar, Backus-Naur Form (BNF), derivation, leftmost derivation, derivation tree, right-lean and right-linear grammar, regular grammar, deterministic finite automaton (DFA), pushdown automaton (PDA), infix and prefix syntaxes, lexical level, parsing, parser, parse tree, infix and prefix syntax.