Exploring Languages with Interpreters
and Functional Programming
Chapter 27

H. Conrad Cunningham

2 August 2018

Copyright (C) 2018, H. Conrad Cunningham
Professor of Computer and Information Science
University of Mississippi
211 Weir Hall
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677
(662) 915-5358

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27 Text Processing Example

27.1 Chapter Introduction

The previous chapter illustrates how to synthesize function definitions from their specifications.

This chapter applies these program synthesis techniques to a larger set of examples on text processing.

27.2 Text Processing Example

In this section we develop a text processing package similar to the one in Section 4.3 of the Bird and Wadler textbook [Bird 1988]. The text processing package in the Haskell standard Prelude is slightly different in its treatment of newline characters.

A textual document can be viewed in many different ways. At the lowest level, we can view it as just a character string and define a type synonym as follows:

    type Text = String

However, for other purposes, we may want to consider the document as having more structure (i.e. view it as a sequence of words, lines, paragraphs, pages, etc). We sometimes want to convert the text from one view to another.

Consider the problem of converting a Text document to the corresponding sequence of lines. Suppose that in the Text document, the newline characters '\n' serve as separators of lines, not themselves part of the lines. Because each line is a sequence of characters, we define a type synonym Line as follows:

    type Line = String

We want a function lines' that will take a Text document and return the corresponding sequence of lines in the document. The function has the type signature:

    lines' :: Text -> [Line]

For example, the Haskell expression

    lines' "This has\nthree\nlines"


    ["This has", "three ", "lines"]

Writing function lines' is not trivial. However, its inverse unlines' is quite easy. Function unlines' takes a list of Lines, inserts a newline character between each pair of adjacent lines, and returns the Text document resulting from the concatenation.

    unlines' :: [Line] -> Text

Let’s see if we can develop lines' from unlines'.

The basic computational pattern for function unlines' is a folding operation. Because we are dealing with the construction of a list and the list constructors are nonstrict in their right arguments, a foldr operation seems more appropriate than a foldl operation.

To use foldr, we need a binary operation that will append two lines with a newline character inserted between them. The following, a bit more general, operation insert' will do that for us. The first argument is the element that is to be inserted between the two list arguments.

    insert' :: a -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] 
    insert' a xs ys = xs ++ [a] ++ ys -- insert.1

Informally, it is easy to see that (insert' a) is an associative operation but that it has no right (or left) identity element.

Given that (insert' a) has no identity element, there is no obvious “seed” value to use with fold. Thus we will need to find a different way to express unlines'.

If we restrict the domain of unlines' to non-nil lists of lines, then we can use foldr1, a right-folding operation defined over non-empty lists (in the Prelude). This function does not require an identity element for the operation. Function foldr1 can be defined as follows:

    foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a 
    foldr1 f [x]    = x 
    foldr1 f (x:xs) = f x (foldr1 f xs)

Note: There is a similar function (in the Prelude), foldl1 that takes a non-nil list and does a left-folding operation.

Thus we can now define unlines' as follows:

    unlines' :: [Line] -> Text 
    unlines' xss = foldr1 (insert' '\n') xss

Given the definition of unlines', we can now specify what we want lines' to do. It must satisfy the following specification for any non-nil xss of type [Line]:

    lines' (unlines' xss) = xss

That is, lines' is the inverse of unlines' for all non-nil arguments.

The first step in the synthesis of lines' is to guess at a possible structure for the lines' function definition. Then we will attempt to calculate the unknown pieces of the definition.

Because unlines' uses a right-folding operation, it is reasonable to guess that its inverse will also use a right-folding operation. Thus we speculate that lines' can be defined as follows, given an appropriately defined operation op and “seed value” a.

    lines' :: Text -> [Line] 
    lines' = foldr op a

Because of the definition of foldr and type signature of lines', function op must have the type signature

    op :: Char -> [Line] -> [Line]

and a must be the right identity of op and hence have type [Line].

The task now is to find appropriate definitions for op and a.

From what we know about unlines', foldr1, lines', and foldr, we see that the following identities hold. (These can be proved, but we do not do so here.)

    unlines' [xs]        = xs                -- unlines.1 
    unlines' ([xs]++xss) = 
        insert' '\n' xs (unlines' xss)       -- unlines.2 

    lines' []            = a                 -- lines.1 
    lines' ([x]++xs)     = op x (lines' xs)  -- lines.2

Note the names we give each of the above identities (e.g. unlines.1). We use these equations to justify our steps in the calculations below.

Next, let us calculate the unknown identity element a. The strategy is to transform a by use of the definition and derived properties for unlines' and the specification and derived properties for lines' until we arrive at a constant.


== { lines.1 (right to left) }

    lines' []

== { unlines'.1 (right to left) with xs = [] }

    lines' (unlines' [[]])

== { specification of lines' (left to right) }


Therefore we define a to be [[]]. Note that because of lines.1, we have also defined lines' in the case where its argument is [].

Now we proceed to calculate a definition for op. Remember that we assume xss /= [].

As above, the strategy is to use what we know aboutunlines’and what we have assumed aboutlines’to calculate appropriate definitions for the unknown parts of the definition oflines’. We first expand our expression to bring inunlines’`.

    op x xss

== { specification for lines' (right to left) }

    op x (lines' (unlines' xss))

== { lines.2 (right to left) }

    lines' ([x] ++ unlines' xss)

Because there seems no other way to proceed with our calculation, we distinguish between cases for the variable x. In particular, we consider the case where x is the line separator and the case where it is not, i.e. x == '\n' and x /= '\n'.

Case x == '\n':

Our strategy is to absorb the '\n' into the unlines', then apply the specification of lines'.

    lines' ("\n" ++ unlines' xss)

== { [] is the identity for ++ }

    lines' ([]  ++ "\n" ++ unlines' xss)

== { insert.1 (right to left) with a == '\n' }

    lines' (insert' '\n' [] (unlines' xss))

== { unlines.2 (right to left) }

    lines' (unlines' ([[]] ++ xss))

== { specification of lines' (left to right) }

    [[]] ++ xss

Thus op '\n' xss = [[]] ++ xss.

Case x /= '\n':

Our strategy is to absorb the [x] into the unlines', then apply the specification of lines.

    lines' ([x] ++ unlines' xss)

== { Assumption xss /= [], let xss = [ys] ++ yss }

    lines' ([x] ++ unlines' ([ys] ++ yss))

== { unlines.2 (left to right) with a = '\n' }

    lines' ([x] ++ insert' '\n' ys (unlines' yss))

== { insert.1 (left to right) }

    lines' ([x] ++ (ys ++ "\n" ++ unlines' yss))

== { ++ associativity }

    lines' (([x] ++ ys) ++ "\n" ++ unlines' yss)

== { insert.1 (right to left) }

    lines' (insert' '\n' ([x]++ys) (unlines' yss))

== { unlines.2 (right to left) }

    lines' (unlines' ([[x]++ys] ++ yss))

== { specification of lines' (left to right) }

    [[x]++ys] ++ yss

Thus, for x /= '\n' and xss /= []:

    op x xss = [[x] ++ head xss] ++ (tail xss)

To generalize op like we did insert' and give it a more appropriate name, we define op to be breakOn '\n' as follows:

    breakOn :: Eq a => a -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]] 
    breakOn a x []              = error "breakOn applied to nil" 
    breakOn a x xss | a == x    = [[]] ++ xss 
                    | otherwise = [[x] ++ ys] ++ yss 
                                  where (ys:yss) = xss

Thus, we get the following definition for lines':

    lines' :: Text -> [Line] 
    lines' xs = foldr (breakOn '\n') [[]] xs

Let’s review what we have done in this example. We have synthesized lines' from its specification and the definition for unlines', its inverse. Starting from a precise, but non-executable specification, and using only equational reasoning, we have derived an executable definition of the required function.

The technique used is a familiar one in many areas of mathematics:

  1. We guessed at a form for the solution.

  2. We then calculated the unknowns.

Note: The definition of lines and unlines in the standard Prelude treat newlines as line terminators instead of line separators. Their definitions follow.

    lines :: String -> [String] 
    lines "" =  [] 
    lines s  = l : (if null s' then [] else lines (tail s'))
               where (l, s') = break ('\n'==) s 

    unlines :: [String] -> String 
    unlines  = concat . map (\l -> l ++ "\n")

27.2.1 Word processing

Let’s continue the text processing example from the previous subsection a bit further. We want to synthesize a function to break a text into a sequence of words.

For the purposes here, we define a word as any nonempty sequence of characters not containing a space or newline character. That is, a group of one or more spaces and newlines separate words. We introduce a type synonym for words.

    type Word = String

We want a function words' that breaks a line up into a sequence of words. Function words' thus has the following type signature:

    words' :: Line -> [Word]

For example, expression

    words' "Hi there" 


    ["Hi", "there"]

As in the synthesis of lines', we proceed by defining the “inverse” function first, then we calculate the definition for words'.

All unwords' needs to do is to insert a space character between adjacent elements of the sequence of words and return the concatenated result. Following the development in the previous subsection, we can thus define unwords' as follows.

    unwords' :: [Word] -> Line 
    unwords' xs = foldr1 (insert'  ' ') xs

Using calculations similar to those for lines', we derive the inverse of unwords' to be the following function:

    foldr (breakOn' ') [[]]

However, this identifies zero-length words where there are adjacent spaces. We need to filter those out.

    words' :: Line -> [Word] 
    words' = filter (/= []) . foldr (breakOn' ') [[]]

Note that

    words' (unwords' xss)  =  xss

for all xss of type [Word], but that

    unwords' (words' xs)  =   xs

for some xs of type Line. The latter is undefined when words' xs returns []. Where it is defined, adjacent spaces in xs are replaced by a single space in unwords' (words' xs).

Note: The functions words and unwords in the standard Prelude differ in that unwords [] = [], which is more complete.

27.2.2 Paragraph processing

Let’s continue the text processing example one step further and synthesize a function to break a sequence of lines into paragraphs.

For the purposes here, we define a paragraph as any nonempty sequence of nonempty lines. That is, a group of one or more empty lines separate paragraphs. As above, we introduce an appropriate type synonym:

    type Para = [Line]

We want a function paras' that breaks a sequence of lines into a sequence of paragraphs:

    paras' :: [Line] -> [Para]

For example, expression

    paras' ["Line 1.1","Line 1.2","","Line 2.1"]


    [["Line 1.1","Line 1.2"],["Line 2.1"]]

As in the synthesis of lines' and words', we can start with the inverse and calculate the definition of paras'. The inverse function unparas' takes a sequence of paragraphs and returns the corresponding sequence of lines with an empty line inserted between adjacent paragraphs.

    unparas' :: [Para] -> [Line] 
    unparas' = foldr1 (insert' [])

Using calculations similar to those for lines' and words', we can derive the following definitions:

    paras' :: [Line] -> [Para] 
    paras' = filter (/= []) . foldr (breakOn []) [[]]

The filter (/= []) operation removes all “empty paragraphs” corresponding to two or more adjacent empty lines.

Note: There are no equivalents of paras' and `unparas' in the standard prelude. As with unwords, unparas' should be redefined so that unparas' [] = [], which is more complete.

27.2.3 Other text processing functions

Using the six functions in our text processing package, we can build other useful functions.

  1. Count the lines in a text.

  2. Count the words in a text.

    An alternative using a list comprehension is:

  3. Count the paragraphs in a text.

  4. Normalize text by removing redundant empty lines and spaces.

    The following functions take advantage of the fact that paras' and words' discard empty paragraphs and words, respectively.

    We can also state parse and unparse in terms of list comprehensions.

Section 4.3.5 of the Bird and Wadler textbook goes on to build functions to fill and left-justify lines of text.

27.3 What Next?

The previous chapter illustrates how to synthesize (i.e. derive or calculate) function definitions from their specifications. This chapter applies these program synthesis techniques to larger set of examples on text processing.

No subsequent chapter depends explicitly upon the program synthesis content from these chapters. However, if practiced regularly, the techniques explored in this chapter can enhance a programmer’s ability to solve problems and construct correct functional programming solutions.

27.4 Exercises


27.5 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2018, I adapted and revised this chapter and the next from:

These previous notes drew on the presentations in the first edition of the Bird and Wadler textbook [Bird 1988], Hoogerwoord’s dissertation [Hoogerwoord 1989], Kaldewaij’s textbook [Kaldewaij 1990], Cohen’s textbook [Cohen 1990], and other sources.

I incorporated this work as new Chapter 26, Program Synthesis, and new Chapter 27, Text Processing (this chapter), in the 2018 version of the textbook Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming and continue to revise it.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

27.6 References

[Bird 1988]:
Richard Bird and Philip Wadler. Introduction to Functional Programming, First Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988.
[Bird 1998]:
Richard Bird. Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1998.
[Bird 2015]:
Richard Bird. Thinking Functionally with Haskell, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
[Cohen 1990]:
Edward Cohen. Programming in the 1990’s: An Introduction to the Calculation of Programs, Springer-Verlag, 1990.
[Cunningham 2014]:
H. Conrad Cunningham. Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell, 1994-2014.
[Hoogerwoord 1989]:
Rob Hoogerwoord. The Design of Functional Programs: A Calculational Approach, PhD Dissertation, Eindhoven Technical University, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1989.
[Kaldewaij 1990]:
Anne Kaldewaij. Programming: The Derivation of Algorithms, Prentice Hall International, 1990.

27.7 Terms and Concepts

Program synthesis, synthesizing a function from its inverse, text processing, line, word, paragraph, terminator, separator.