Exploring Languages
with Interpreters
and Functional Programming

Chapter 14
Infix Operators and List Examples

H. Conrad Cunningham

17 October 2018

Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, H. Conrad Cunningham

Acknowledgements: I originally created these slides in Fall 2017 to accompany what is now Chapter 14, Infix Operators and List

Examples, in the 2018 version of the textbook Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming.

Browser Advisory: The HTML version of this document may require use of a browser that supports the display of MathML. A good choice as of October 2018 is a recent version of Firefox from Mozilla.

Infix Operations and List Examples

Lecture Goals

Source code: ListProgExamples.hs

Infix Operations (1)

Binary operation:

function of type t1 -> t2 -> t3

Infix Operations (2)

Common Infix Operations

    infixr 8 ^                     -- exponentiation
    infixl 7 *                     -- multiplication
    infix  7 /                     -- division
    infixl 6 +, -                  -- addition, subtraction
    infixr 5 :                     -- cons
    infix  4 ==, /=, <, <=, >=, >  -- relational comparisons
    infixr 3 &&                    -- Boolean AND
    infixr 2 ||                    -- Boolean OR 

Function application has precdence of 10

Appending Lists: ++

    infixr 5 ++
    (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]   -- in Prelude 
    [] ++ xs     = xs           -- nil left operand 
    (x:xs) ++ ys = x:(xs ++ ys) -- non-nil left operand 

Properties of ++ (1)

Associativity if ++:

For any finite lists xs, ys, and zs,
xs ++ (ys ++ zs) == (xs ++ ys) ++ zs

Identity for ++:

For any finite list xs, [] ++ xs = xs = xs ++ []

Proofs? See Chapter 25

Properties of ++ (2)

Element Selection: !!

    infixl 9 !!
    (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a 
    xs     !! n | n < 0 = error "!! negative index"
    []     !! _         = error "!! index too large"
    (x:_)  !! 0         = x 
    (_:xs) !! n         = xs !! (n-1) 

Reversing a List: rev (1)

    rev :: [a] -> [a]
    rev []     = []            -- nil argument
    rev (x:xs) = rev xs ++ [x] -- non-nil argument

Reversing a List: rev (2)


For any finite lists xs and ys,
rev (xs ++ ys) = rev ys ++ rev xs


For any finite list xs, rev (rev xs) = xs

For any finite lists xs and ys and natural numbers n,

    take n (rev xs)  = rev (drop (length xs - n) xs)

Tail recursive reverse

    reverse' :: [a] -> [a] -- reverse in Prelude 
    reverse' xs = rev xs []
                  where rev []     ys = ys 
                        rev (x:xs) ys = rev xs (x:ys) 

Other Useful List Functions

    splitAt' :: Int -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) -- splitAt in Prelude
    splitAt' n xs =  (take' n xs, drop' n xs) 

    zip' :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]   -- zip in Prelude
    zip' (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y) : zip' xs ys -- zip.1
    zip' _      _      = []                 -- zip.1
    unzip' :: [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b])  -- unzip in Prelude
    unzip' []         = ([],[])
    unzip' ((x,y):ps) = (x:xs, y:ys)
                        where (xs,ys) = unzip' ps

Insertion Sort


Every element is <= all of its successors

  • similar for descending, increasing, decreasing

To sort x:xs, sort tail xs, then insert x at correct position

Empty list is sorted

Insertion Sort of Int

    isort :: [Int] -> [Int]
    isort []     = []
    isort (x:xs) = insert x (isort xs)

    insert :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
    insert x []     = [x]
    insert x xs@(y:ys)     -- xs alias of (y:xs)
        | x <= y    = (x:xs)
        | otherwise = y : (insert x ys)

Polymorphic Insertion Sort

Polymorphic list, element constrained to class Ord

    isort' :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
    isort' []     = []
    isort' (x:xs) = insert' x (isort' xs)

    insert' :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
    insert' x []    = [x]
    insert' x xs@(y:ys)     -- xs alias of (y:xs)
        | x <= y    = (x:xs)
        | otherwise = y : (insert' x ys)

Key Ideas


The Haskell code for this section is in file ListProgExamples.hs.